There are many types of content that can increase traffic to your site and increase your search rankings, some of that content doesn’t even need to be on your website or be created by you. The most important writing about your website can be found in the content on your page, press releases about your company, and reviews about your product or service. Read more
Square: Small Business Owners Love This Mobile Payment System
in Web TalkThe latest craze in the mobile payment community is called Square and it is revolutionizing the way small business owners can charge their customers. This small white square add-on is easily plugged into the normal headphone jack of an iPad and is helping business owners avoid costly credit charges and reduce their carbon footprint with paperless reciepts, not to mention the ‘wow’ factor for customers new to the technology. Read more for a first hand account of how this small invention is causing more and more cash registers to wind up in the recycling bins.
An Introduction To Different Types of Content
in Web TalkThere are many types of content that can increase traffic to your site and increase your search rankings, some of that content doesn’t even need to be on your website or be created by you. The most important writing about your website can be found in the content on your page, press releases about your company, and reviews about your product or service. Read more
Integrating Website Design With SEO
in UncategorizedWhen creating your website it is of the utmost importance to focus on your website’s accessibility and con
tent. While you must focus on those two things you must be committed to maintaining your webpage long-term. Read more
Choosing Keywords
in Web TalkThe Importance of Web Design
in Website DesignDesigning your website is much more than making it look pretty. The bigger the site,
the more pages and information you want on it, the more complex the design becomes which requires a team of people and hard work. In the design world, there are limitless ways to change and improve your website. Listed below, are some of the suggestions that RemedyOne believes are important to your site’s design. Read more
Optimizing Your Website — The Basics
in Optimizing A WebsiteOptimizing For The Search Engines
Search engine optimization is crucial to your traffic flow. No matter what you
are selling, saying or doing on your website you need people to be aware of your site for it to thrive. The best website in the world is wasted if no one knows that it is there.
Read more
Cool and Useful Web Applications
in Cool and Useful Web ApplicationsIn the constantly changing world of technology, users are always looking for new and improved ways to enhance their lives. Computers continue to evolve and add value and simplicity to our lives. RemedyOne has compiled together a list of some of the most interesting and useful web applications that we have found! Read more
Benefits of Using a Content Management System
in CMS- Content Management SystemUtilizing a Content Management System (CMS) is the premium way to manage the design and features of your website. This software package is widely used across the internet to create websites that are easy to design and change at your whim. CMS aims to provide a customizable website template that can be changed and replaced easily. Read more